I response to some confusion over LOD levels when uploading mesh, I’m gonna toss together the steps I take for keeping LI and upload costs low. (^_^) To start… ALWAYS start with multiple models. At least 2. For this demo, … Continue reading
This new LL CEO is seemingly making waves in quite a few directions. It sounds like he’s going to bring the Lab back inworld and provide backing for education and volunteer communities. (^_^) … Then these new avatars come about. … Continue reading
Generally, I’m quite pleased with any UI handed to me. I liked the V2, V3, V3.4 progressions. But, with the latest CHUI update, I’m a bit less than pleased. (._.) Now, I have been able to arrange my chat window … Continue reading
Oh oho ho… Something interesting in the Jira. =^-^= https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-29337? The fun part is that it has reached the “Awaiting Review” stage… Meaning, there’s hope just yet! =^-^= Hope for what, you say? (O.o) Okay, picture this: You manage a … Continue reading
I been quiet a long time. Might as well ramble about something or other. (=_=) I’m starting to linger in SL a bit more lately. Guild Wars 2 has become a little ‘meh’ since about level 70. Though, it’s still … Continue reading