My boss: Where do I find the output file for this program. |:[ Me: It doesn’t have an output file. (o.o) Boss: Yes it does, I remember. I just need to know where. |:[ Me: It does? Cool! Let’s check … Continue reading
I see a cute little snarkmeister on the Blogorums right now. He’s pointing out his version of reality as a tool to belittle people who are “interested” in Second Life. Bloody frigg’n putz. So, say “Hi” to britishrocker for me, … Continue reading
This just kinda sparked on me as I was leaving a comment on a blog. After writing up the comment I had to select an account to post under. The selections were reasonably prominent sites like Google and Twitter. So, … Continue reading
I wanted to tinker with my AV more and see if I could apply my SL “Immy” face to this Twinity AV using their Make Face From Picture tool. (^_^) Well… I’m probably doing something wrong or pushing the limits … Continue reading
So, I messed with Second Life for something around four years. I waited for ever and gave Playstation Home a try. I poked at a buncha OS grids. I spent a day as a Therian with an SL friend who … Continue reading
Peoples are a lot of things, ain’t they? (^_^) So, I’m poking around the blogorum today and spotted two surveys… And, bloody ICK do I dislike being guinea pig’d by surveys. DX But, like… These were kind of cool. Each … Continue reading