Everyone knows the song “I Jazz’d In My Pants”, right? =^-^= Remember the last orgy you had at church? (^_^) When was the last time you “donated”. (^_^) Ever wake up with morning “fundraiser”? (O.o) Really? (o.O) Well… The Lab, … Continue reading
My partner came home with palm leaves from Palm Sunday mass and tacked them high up, knowing Loli’s (our cat) history with plants. All was fine for the week until last night. And, apparently, I slept through the whole thing. … Continue reading
Hey! Smart people! My luck has run out. MSDN, cplusplus, StackOverflow, and various other sites can’t seem to help me. (>_<) Here goes: I have bitmap resources embedded in my x86 executable. I have them properly defined as resources. I … Continue reading
So, I’m sitting around at work and chiseling away at some C# code for a quick little compatibility routine I got. Yeah, I’m bored. =^-^= Anyway, the way this device throws data back is as a simple unsigned word value. … Continue reading
Madness… MADNESS, I tell you!!! XD If you haven’t seen this… What rock are you under!? (O.o) So, the get-all-up-in-you-stuff spy agency is getting all up in our SL stuff now!? I can’t imagine that being any more hilarious. Though, … Continue reading
So, like, yeah… (._.) The blog looks different, don’t it? (>_<) Something went all wacky when I was trying to get my Nextgen gallery plugin to be more prominent on the front page. Seems the best I could get out … Continue reading