Y’all probably know that I volunteer at NCI, New Citizens Inc. It’s a great place with a great community, lessons, events, freebies, and advice for anyone in SL. I been going there since I found the scatter of green dots … Continue reading
This new LL CEO is seemingly making waves in quite a few directions. It sounds like he’s going to bring the Lab back inworld and provide backing for education and volunteer communities. (^_^) … Then these new avatars come about. … Continue reading
Oh oho ho… Something interesting in the Jira. =^-^= https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-29337? The fun part is that it has reached the “Awaiting Review” stage… Meaning, there’s hope just yet! =^-^= Hope for what, you say? (O.o) Okay, picture this: You manage a … Continue reading
I’m still trying to figure out what the lab is actually doing with the whole amazon.com thingie. I mean, what does either get from there being small amounts of cash-money offerings of items. Some items being “Premium Exclusive Gifts” at … Continue reading
Sooooooooooooo…… Kotaku finds a creepy video of a creepy virtual family giving a creepy prim-baby birth. (=_=) http://kotaku.com/5971634/this-second-life-water-birth-is-practically-a-miracle-a-wonderful-horrifying-miracle And, honestly, I’m rather fine with that. If it’s wrong to be creepy, I don’t wanna be right. =^-^= BUT!!! Ew, okay!? … Continue reading