Y’all probably know that I volunteer at NCI, New Citizens Inc. It’s a great place with a great community, lessons, events, freebies, and advice for anyone in SL. I been going there since I found the scatter of green dots … Continue reading
This new LL CEO is seemingly making waves in quite a few directions. It sounds like he’s going to bring the Lab back inworld and provide backing for education and volunteer communities. (^_^) … Then these new avatars come about. … Continue reading
First of all; Hi Reddit peeps! =^-^= Mkay, so, not sure if you know I have a sim. It’s a full sim. I put my house on one quarter, I parceled off another quarter for rentals, and I have another … Continue reading
Remember when I went psycho? Remember when I chased my best friends away? Things are turning around since then. Starting with one more adjustment of my meds and the addition of Lolita in my life, I’ve been improving. In nearly … Continue reading
Sooooooooooooo…… Kotaku finds a creepy video of a creepy virtual family giving a creepy prim-baby birth. (=_=) http://kotaku.com/5971634/this-second-life-water-birth-is-practically-a-miracle-a-wonderful-horrifying-miracle And, honestly, I’m rather fine with that. If it’s wrong to be creepy, I don’t wanna be right. =^-^= BUT!!! Ew, okay!? … Continue reading
I been quiet a long time. Might as well ramble about something or other. (=_=) I’m starting to linger in SL a bit more lately. Guild Wars 2 has become a little ‘meh’ since about level 70. Though, it’s still … Continue reading