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FriggnImmy on Twitter
FriggnImmy on Plurk
- FriggnImmy Last week was my 10 year Plurk birthday. 4 years ago I alienated everyone. I still look at this site, once a day, every day. I'm still too afraid of people to do anything with it.
- FriggnImmy That's all.
- FriggnImmy Nobody noticed and/or nobody cared. Nothing of value was lost.
- FriggnImmy replurks BloodfangClawtooth says Gay Marriage : Foamy The Squirrel
- … what is this crap?
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Tag Archives: Healing
Why so silent? (._.)
Seems I left a big gap in my posts here. Not that I’ve run out of things to say. Just, the will to say them. It’s just the way things are right now. A lot of my closest friends have … Continue reading
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Tagged alone, Blablablabla, Borderline Personality Disorder, BPD, Friends, Friendship, Healing, I'm still here, Lonely, Mesh, Minecraft, Random Rambling, Second Life
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The mornings after. (^_^)
I meant to do a Frigg’n Stuff video on Monday, but, I was still nursing a grumpy new install of Win7. So, there went that morning. (._.) My biggest problem being that my motherboard was discontinued half a year before … Continue reading
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Tagged (^_^), Blablablabla, does this thong make my butt look fat?, Don't worry I'm from the internet!, FIC, Friends, Friendship, Healing, I LOL'd, I wan to mayk da seks!, I've gotten better, Lindenrage, LOLWUT, Prokofy Neva, Sandy vagina, Say my name, Second Life, SLCC, SQUISHIEHORSIE
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I like nipples. =^-^=
So, someone out there in the blogosphere is trying to say I’m anti-nipple. Nuuuuu! Far from it! I mean… Look at the things! XD Who would not like that? =^-^= So, anyway, I’m apparently “Silent and not denying it”… Heh. … Continue reading
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Tagged (^_^), Blablablabla, bowl full of stupid, butthurt FTL, does this thong make my butt look fat?, Don't worry I'm from the internet!, false accusations, FIC, FSKing nipples how do they work?, Healing, I LOL'd, I wan to mayk da seks!, I'm still here, LOLWUT, Prokofy Neva, Sandy vagina, Say my name, Second Life, Shenis rage, WTF, You hit like a fag, You throw like a girl
Thickness (O.O)
I’m seeing the term “Thin skinned” being tossed around a bit. It got me to thinking about what I see in ‘thick skinned’ and ‘thin skinned’ people and where I fit in the equation. (O.o) For one… I consider myself … Continue reading
Failure to read an open book. (-_-)
In a way, I’m enjoying the malarkey being flung my way. It’s quite entertaining how wrong and inconsistent someone can be yet still stand, expressly indignant, by their own stories. (^_^) Where to start?… (>.>) Hmmmmmm. (-_-) Well, there’s a … Continue reading
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Tagged (^_^), Blablablabla, bowl full of stupid, does this thong make my butt look fat?, Don't worry I'm from the internet!, false accusations, Friends, Friendship, Healing, I LOL'd, I wan to mayk da seks!, LOLWUT, NCI, New Citizens Adult, New Citizens Inc, Prokofy Neva, Sandy vagina, Say my name, Second Life, Shenis rage, You hit like a fag, You throw like a girl
Your Mileage May Vary. (^_^)y
I see a cute little snarkmeister on the Blogorums right now. He’s pointing out his version of reality as a tool to belittle people who are “interested” in Second Life. Bloody frigg’n putz. So, say “Hi” to britishrocker for me, … Continue reading
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Tagged (^_^), AM Radio, Arcadia Asylum, Blablablabla, Blogorum, bowl full of stupid, Friends, Friendship, Healing, I LOL'd, I me my, I wan to mayk da seks!, LOLWUT, Louder than God's revolver and twice as shiny!, Second Life, Where's Alan Watts when you need him?, WTF is Immy on about?