A cute little piece of work left me a message last night on my profile feed. (^_^) Such a charmer. =^-^= My heart is warmed to see that I got his/her/it’s attention. (^_^)y
Here we go again! (^_^)y
So, someone out there in the blogosphere is trying to say I’m anti-nipple. Nuuuuu! Far from it! I mean… Look at the things! XD Who would not like that? =^-^= So, anyway, I’m apparently “Silent and not denying it”… Heh. … Continue reading
In a way, I’m enjoying the malarkey being flung my way. It’s quite entertaining how wrong and inconsistent someone can be yet still stand, expressly indignant, by their own stories. (^_^) Where to start?… (>.>) Hmmmmmm. (-_-) Well, there’s a … Continue reading
YAY! Linkbacks! \(^o^)/
That a statement like this: (http://secondthoughts.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2011/03/groups-who-want-to-take-power-over-second-life.html) Or there’d be riots from other groups at the thought that anyone was going to take power — one thing I opposed vigorously — and wasn’t alone in this — was Cabinhead, a project … Continue reading