[17:17] Conners: (Saved Sat Mar 21 17:00:03 2015)I sent the same snotty profane email to the whole gang of miscreants at NCI. You just thought you were special. lulz [17:19] Immy: Oh, so you think we’re all responsible for your … Continue reading
I would like to thank Google for reminding me why I pay for my server space. (^_^)y
Everyone knows the song “I Jazz’d In My Pants”, right? =^-^= Remember the last orgy you had at church? (^_^) When was the last time you “donated”. (^_^) Ever wake up with morning “fundraiser”? (O.o) Really? (o.O) Well… The Lab, … Continue reading
A cute little piece of work left me a message last night on my profile feed. (^_^) Such a charmer. =^-^= My heart is warmed to see that I got his/her/it’s attention. (^_^)y
Oh, charming. There’s a wonderful little personality on SLU trying to weed out Prok’s lies about me again. What can I say? I can go ahead and tell the old facts again. I’m bored, I have the time. (=_=) Now … Continue reading