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- FriggnImmy Last week was my 10 year Plurk birthday. 4 years ago I alienated everyone. I still look at this site, once a day, every day. I'm still too afraid of people to do anything with it.
- FriggnImmy That's all.
- FriggnImmy Nobody noticed and/or nobody cared. Nothing of value was lost.
- FriggnImmy replurks BloodfangClawtooth says Gay Marriage : Foamy The Squirrel
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Tag Archives: false accusations
What it’s like to be “fake”… (=_=)
Hi. I would like to announce that according to Google’s policy of reality, I do not exist. These words didn’t come from me. I’m not here right now. You have no idea what my name is. I am merely a … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged (^_^), Blablablabla, bowl full of stupid, Don't worry I'm from the internet!, false accusations, freedom, Friends, Friendship, Google+, I LOL'd, I'm not here right now please check back in another universe., I'm still here, Is that air you think you're breathing?, LOLWUT, Say my name, Second Life, What is real?, What's in a name?, What's this solution doing here?, Who is real?, WTF
1 Comment
Hm. Bitter much? (=_=)
Okay, so I know this person who is pretty much permabanned from NCI due to harassing newbies… Often accusing them of being alts of regulars. To the best of my memory, she generally kept a hostile stance against… well… anything. … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Blablablabla, Don't worry I'm from the internet!, false accusations, I LOL'd, LOLWUT, NCI, New Citizens Inc, newbie help, Second Life, Volunteering, WTF
1 Comment
I like nipples. =^-^=
So, someone out there in the blogosphere is trying to say I’m anti-nipple. Nuuuuu! Far from it! I mean… Look at the things! XD Who would not like that? =^-^= So, anyway, I’m apparently “Silent and not denying it”… Heh. … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged (^_^), Blablablabla, bowl full of stupid, butthurt FTL, does this thong make my butt look fat?, Don't worry I'm from the internet!, false accusations, FIC, FSKing nipples how do they work?, Healing, I LOL'd, I wan to mayk da seks!, I'm still here, LOLWUT, Prokofy Neva, Sandy vagina, Say my name, Second Life, Shenis rage, WTF, You hit like a fag, You throw like a girl
A rather uncharacteristic…
I want this post to have a larger audience. Originally Posted by Humps …The woman has been treated appallingly badly in the past. Indeed I, along with many others here defended her in the Woodbury saga… I’m going to take issue … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged false accusations, FIC, Friends, Friendship, I'm still here, LOLWUT, Prokofy Neva, Second Life, WTF, You hit like a fag, You throw like a girl
Failure to read an open book. (-_-)
In a way, I’m enjoying the malarkey being flung my way. It’s quite entertaining how wrong and inconsistent someone can be yet still stand, expressly indignant, by their own stories. (^_^) Where to start?… (>.>) Hmmmmmm. (-_-) Well, there’s a … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged (^_^), Blablablabla, bowl full of stupid, does this thong make my butt look fat?, Don't worry I'm from the internet!, false accusations, Friends, Friendship, Healing, I LOL'd, I wan to mayk da seks!, LOLWUT, NCI, New Citizens Adult, New Citizens Inc, Prokofy Neva, Sandy vagina, Say my name, Second Life, Shenis rage, You hit like a fag, You throw like a girl
How ironic is it… (O.o)
That a statement like this: (http://secondthoughts.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2011/03/groups-who-want-to-take-power-over-second-life.html) Or there’d be riots from other groups at the thought that anyone was going to take power — one thing I opposed vigorously — and wasn’t alone in this — was Cabinhead, a project … Continue reading