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- FriggnImmy Last week was my 10 year Plurk birthday. 4 years ago I alienated everyone. I still look at this site, once a day, every day. I'm still too afraid of people to do anything with it.
- FriggnImmy That's all.
- FriggnImmy Nobody noticed and/or nobody cared. Nothing of value was lost.
- FriggnImmy replurks BloodfangClawtooth says Gay Marriage : Foamy The Squirrel
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Tag Archives: Slum City
Arcadian Conundrum… (=_=)
For one… Since when have I known how to spell Conundrum correctly? (O.o) Okay on topic. I’m gonna make this one quick. (^_^) Alrighty… You may know that I’m doing a rather large scale build to resemble Arcadia’s Slum City. … Continue reading
What should I call it? (O.o)
Okay… Yah, that. (^_^) So, I’m collecting up Arcadia’s stuff to generate a build using parts from Slum City. I’ll do what I can to maintain the look and feel of Slum City, but, There’s no way I can consider … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged (^_^), Aley Arai, Arcadia Asylum, Don't worry I'm from the internet!, Dude where's my city!?, Freebies, Friends, Friendship, I can't believe I ate the whole thing!, I wan to mayk da seks!, LOLWUT, Pigeon Kingdom, Say my name, Second Life, Slum City, What's in a name?
Why? (^_^)
Well… I had a bloody good holiday. =^-^= Much of it was spent in SL, but, at this point that’s my idea of good. (^_^) Why? (^_^) Dunno. I’ve kinda reached the point that I’m really able to have me … Continue reading
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Tagged (^_^), Aley Arai, Arcadia Asylum, Art, Blablablabla, Creativity, does this thong make my butt look fat?, FIC, Freebies, freedom, Friends, Friendship, I LOL'd, I'm still here, NCI, New Citizens Inc, Privateer Space, Rock'nRoll, Second Life, Slum City, Volunteering, Wisdom
One more dose! << And teh dramaz! >> (^_^)
Today, like yesterday, Mally and the crew are going to continue the festivities. There will be another Q&A session, for those who missed the first due to the sim filling up. There will be the vendors down in the library … Continue reading
Arca… Aley A… Lor… aley.resid… And I’m sure there’s more. (O.o)
So, I’m doing whatever inworld. I’m kinda always doing something. =^-^= Okay, so that, and I get an IM from a Mally dood. Asks me if I’m a friendly to Aley and I’m all yeah, she’s a win. =^-^= He … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Aley Arai, Arcadia Asylum, Art, Blablablabla, Brat, does this thong make my butt look fat?, FIC, Friends, Friendship, Lindenrage, Lora Lemon, NCI, New Citizens Inc, newbie help, politics, Privateer Space, Second Life, Slum City, Volunteering, What's in a name?
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