So, someone out there in the blogosphere is trying to say I’m anti-nipple. Nuuuuu! Far from it! I mean… Look at the things! XD Who would not like that? =^-^= So, anyway, I’m apparently “Silent and not denying it”… Heh. … Continue reading
I want this post to have a larger audience. Originally Posted by Humps …The woman has been treated appallingly badly in the past. Indeed I, along with many others here defended her in the Woodbury saga… I’m going to take issue … Continue reading
In a way, I’m enjoying the malarkey being flung my way. It’s quite entertaining how wrong and inconsistent someone can be yet still stand, expressly indignant, by their own stories. (^_^) Where to start?… (>.>) Hmmmmmm. (-_-) Well, there’s a … Continue reading
YAY! Linkbacks! \(^o^)/
That a statement like this: (http://secondthoughts.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2011/03/groups-who-want-to-take-power-over-second-life.html) Or there’d be riots from other groups at the thought that anyone was going to take power — one thing I opposed vigorously — and wasn’t alone in this — was Cabinhead, a project … Continue reading
This just kinda sparked on me as I was leaving a comment on a blog. After writing up the comment I had to select an account to post under. The selections were reasonably prominent sites like Google and Twitter. So, … Continue reading