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- FriggnImmy Last week was my 10 year Plurk birthday. 4 years ago I alienated everyone. I still look at this site, once a day, every day. I'm still too afraid of people to do anything with it.
- FriggnImmy That's all.
- FriggnImmy Nobody noticed and/or nobody cared. Nothing of value was lost.
- FriggnImmy replurks BloodfangClawtooth says Gay Marriage : Foamy The Squirrel
- … what is this crap?
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Tag Archives: What’s Immy rambling about this time?
Building (Or a lack of) (>_<)
First of all; Hi Reddit peeps! =^-^= Mkay, so, not sure if you know I have a sim. It’s a full sim. I put my house on one quarter, I parceled off another quarter for rentals, and I have another … Continue reading
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Tagged (^_^), Blablablabla, Friends, Lazy Immy is lazy, Mesh, Reddit, Second Life, What's Immy rambling about this time?
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Frigg’n Immy’s Frigg’n Digits! =^-^=
Who else read’s Strawberry Singh’s blog? I do! =^-^= She been posting up a few articles about avatar proportion and height. A subject that interests me quite a bit. Given, I’m usually a bit short. XD How short, you ask!? … Continue reading
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Tagged (^_^), Blablablabla, Bloggy blogs are bloggy, Butts... That is all., does this thong make my butt look fat?, freedom, I LOL'd, I wan to mayk da seks!, Lindenrage, LOLWUT, Prokofy Neva, Say my name, Second Life, Strawberry Singh, What's Immy rambling about this time?, What's in a meme?, What's in a name?
Mingle much? (^_^)
It started here. I figured it would be fun to post my desktop in a thread about desktops. But, instead of a screen shot, I opted to take a picture of my screens. Mostly because of the odd layout I … Continue reading
L$ Not Authorized…? (O.o)
TOS update today. Now, exchanging labbiemonies with RLmonies by any other service than the LL run Lindex has become “Not Authorized“. (=_=) To me, that’s a very open ended statement. It reminds me of the lane-splitting that Cali motorcycle riders … Continue reading
Flying Blind or Why I Lurvez My Job =^-^=
I have a fun job. Simply put, I’m a Test Engineer. (^_^) Now, I’m not exactly an on-paper engineer. I kinda don’t have that degree thingy or something. (>_<) But, I do all the stuff. Programming, mechanical design, and electrical … Continue reading
Sooooooooooooo…… Kotaku finds a creepy video of a creepy virtual family giving a creepy prim-baby birth. (=_=) http://kotaku.com/5971634/this-second-life-water-birth-is-practically-a-miracle-a-wonderful-horrifying-miracle And, honestly, I’m rather fine with that. If it’s wrong to be creepy, I don’t wanna be right. =^-^= BUT!!! Ew, okay!? … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged (^_^), Blablablabla, bowl full of stupid, Don't worry I'm from the internet!, Friends, Friendship, I LOL'd, I wan to mayk da seks!, Immy make go boom!, Immyrage, Kotaku fail, LOLWUT, Prim babies, Prokofy Neva, Rod Humble, Rodvick Linden, Volunteering, What's Immy rambling about this time?, WTF, You hit like a fag, You throw like a girl
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