If anyone ain’t noticed from my Snapzilla gallery, I been running shadows full time lately. And, really, SL ain’t never looked hawter! (^_^) But… SL really only looks like that for ~me~. (._.) At the same time, I’m seeing the … Continue reading
I’m seeing the term “Thin skinned” being tossed around a bit. It got me to thinking about what I see in ‘thick skinned’ and ‘thin skinned’ people and where I fit in the equation. (O.o) For one… I consider myself … Continue reading
I think I can roughly profess that I’m some sort of individualist. In many ways, I reject help and tend to want to complete tasks on my own. But, boy do I break those ideas often. (O.o) There’s a part … Continue reading
I’m picky about words. If y’all read here before you probably remember the dood who got all worked up because I wouldn’t say “yes” or “no”. It’s just the way I am. (>_<) Then again… Look at my use of … Continue reading