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- FriggnImmy Last week was my 10 year Plurk birthday. 4 years ago I alienated everyone. I still look at this site, once a day, every day. I'm still too afraid of people to do anything with it.
- FriggnImmy That's all.
- FriggnImmy Nobody noticed and/or nobody cared. Nothing of value was lost.
- FriggnImmy replurks BloodfangClawtooth says Gay Marriage : Foamy The Squirrel
- … what is this crap?
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Tag Archives: Second Life
Frigg’n Immy’s Frigg’n Digits! =^-^=
Who else read’s Strawberry Singh’s blog? I do! =^-^= She been posting up a few articles about avatar proportion and height. A subject that interests me quite a bit. Given, I’m usually a bit short. XD How short, you ask!? … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged (^_^), Blablablabla, Bloggy blogs are bloggy, Butts... That is all., does this thong make my butt look fat?, freedom, I LOL'd, I wan to mayk da seks!, Lindenrage, LOLWUT, Prokofy Neva, Say my name, Second Life, Strawberry Singh, What's Immy rambling about this time?, What's in a meme?, What's in a name?
Mingle much? (^_^)
It started here. I figured it would be fun to post my desktop in a thread about desktops. But, instead of a screen shot, I opted to take a picture of my screens. Mostly because of the odd layout I … Continue reading
L$ Not Authorized…? (O.o)
TOS update today. Now, exchanging labbiemonies with RLmonies by any other service than the LL run Lindex has become “Not Authorized“. (=_=) To me, that’s a very open ended statement. It reminds me of the lane-splitting that Cali motorcycle riders … Continue reading
I feel honored. =^-^=
A cute little piece of work left me a message last night on my profile feed. (^_^) Such a charmer. =^-^= My heart is warmed to see that I got his/her/it’s attention. (^_^)y
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged (^_^), Blablablabla, bowl full of stupid, does this thong make my butt look fat?, Don't worry I'm from the internet!, Friendship, I LOL'd, I wan to mayk da seks!, LOLWUT, Prokofy Neva, Roses are red - violets are blue - I hate rhyming - penis, Sandy vagina, Say my name, Second Life, Shenis rage, Spam, What's in a name?, You hit like a fag, You throw like a girl
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A Crunchy Start For CHUI. (>_<)
Generally, I’m quite pleased with any UI handed to me. I liked the V2, V3, V3.4 progressions. But, with the latest CHUI update, I’m a bit less than pleased. (._.) Now, I have been able to arrange my chat window … Continue reading
Creativity Done Gone? (._.)
Two things came up this week which made me think. (O.o) One: I closed the NCI newbie mall. Not without reason. Applications have gone from the 2 per week I was experiencing a couple years ago to now 1 per … Continue reading