Terms of Service. It’s the law of the digital land. A living document of what no-no’s apply to using the service. All for all kinds of reasons like; Keeping admins out of court… Keeping the FBI from kicking doors in… … Continue reading
I was present during the Avatar Identity panel at SLCC 2011… A panel which received threats from Kalel of the Justice League Unlimited. So… There were “technical” problems. (=_=) Anyway, here’s the video for those who ain’t seen it yet. … Continue reading
Hi. My account name is Imnotgoing Sideways. My friends refer to me as Immy. I am nearing my 4th year in Second Life. I rarely miss a day. I have logged in from my home and my office in California. … Continue reading
I dunno. If anything, I been moody and much of time is spent throwing emo-blargh at my friends. DX Either way, I’m still here. I’m working up the energy to do another Frigg’n Stuff video. Just gotta get out of … Continue reading