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- FriggnImmy That's all.
- FriggnImmy Nobody noticed and/or nobody cared. Nothing of value was lost.
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Tag Archives: numbers
I likes’em big! =^-^=
Numbers, that is. (O.o) … Bloody pervs. (=_=) Xd Anyway… Just kind of looking at things. One thing I like to admit to is that I simply like big numbers. It’s something you so rarely hear someone say, but, people … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged (^_^), Anything you can do I can do more of!, Are letters more valuable than numbers?, Blablablabla, bowl full of stupid, camping, Don't worry I'm from the internet!, farming, FFXI, Final Fantasy, Friends, Games, Just PLAY the frigg'n game!, lazy, leeching, LOLWUT, My 4 is better than your 3 because it's a 3, numbers, Roses are red - violets are blue - I hate rhyming - penis, Spam, Stupid human tricks, WTF, ZzZzZzZzZzzzz~ (-_-)